Volunteers helping your community
The WPRRA board is selected by an election held at the annual general meeting. The term for each director is two years. Any member of the community who is also a member of WPRRA can put their name forward for election. Consider joining the board. It is a great way to meet other residents and help the community. The board meets between eight to ten times a year.
Tammy Ritchie
Arnie van Hattem
Past President
Mike Bakshi
Vice President & Development Chair
Pauline Maloney
Joan Mayhew
Diane Dent
Membership & Social Media
Gurjinder Bhurji
Director at Large
Carson Drayson
Director at Large
Rob Lemon
Director at Large
Melanie Endersby
Director at Large
Mark Johnson
Director at Large
Dan Corsie
Director at Large
Lars Lyngsoe
Director at Large